(prog \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode ORG) (argumentlist (argument (number $2000))))) \n (line (comment ;LOW LEVEL DISK ACCESS)) \n (line (comment ;SECTOR READER)) \n (line (comment ;WRITTEN BY THOMAS EVERETT)) \n (line (comment ;FEB 17-19, 1989)) \n (line (comment ;APR 2, 1989)) \n (line (comment ;STARTED REVISION 2)) \n (line (comment ;APRIL 26, 1989)) \n (line (comment ;CONTINUED WORK)) \n (line (comment ;JULY 18, 1989)) \n (line (comment ;NOV 3, 1989)) \n (line (comment ;APRIL 1,1990)) \n (line (comment ;IT WILL RETURN TO BASIC)) \n (line (comment ;PRESSING ESC. FROM)) \n (line (comment ;THE EDITOR PUTS YOU)) \n (line (comment ;IN THE ROUTINE TO SELECT)) \n (line (comment ;TRK., SEC. ESC. WILL THEN)) \n (line (comment ;EXIT THE PROGRAM)) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (comment ;ALL ROUTINES MUST EXIT)) \n (line (comment ;WITH SLOT IN X)) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (comment ; ZERO PAGE VARIABLES)) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (comment ; NEXT 2, GENERAL PURPOSE)) \n (line (comment ; SCRATCH VARIABLES)) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name ST1)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $06))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name ST2)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $07))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name ST3)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $08))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name ST4)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $09))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name PT1L)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $19))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name PT1H)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $1A))))) \n (line (comment ; NEXT TWO VARIABLES)) \n (line (comment ; ARE SCRATCH FOR READ)) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name RDSC1)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $1B))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name RDSC2)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $1C))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name SLOT1)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $1D))))) \n (line (comment ; FOLLOWING VARIABLES)) \n (line (comment ; (USES APPLESOFT'S SPACE))) \n (line (comment ; ARE SECTORING BYTES)) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (comment ; ADDRESS FEILD)) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name AP1)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $60))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name AP2)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $61))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name AP3)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $62))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name AE1)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $63))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name AE2)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $64))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name AE3)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $65))))) \n (line (comment ; DATA FEILD)) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name DP1)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $66))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name DP2)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $67))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name DP3)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $68))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name DE1)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $69))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name DE2)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $6A))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name DE3)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $6B))))) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (comment ; $300 PAGE VAIABLES)) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name TRK)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $300))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name UTRK)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $301))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name DTRK)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $302))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name SLOT)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $303))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name DSEC)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $304))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name USEC)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $305))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name SECB1)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $306))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name SECB2)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $307))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name CX)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $308))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name CY)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $309))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name POS)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $30A))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name NOBYTS)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $30B))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name VOL)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $30C))))) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name TOPBUFL)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $320))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name TOPBUFH)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $321))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name BOTBUFL)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $322))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name BOTBUFH)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $323))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name WRTRLOC)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $324))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name RDTRLOC)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $325))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name BUF1LOC)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $326))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name BUF2LOC)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $327))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name BUF3LOC)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $328))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name BUF4LOC)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $329))))) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name BSTR)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $330))))) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (comment ; MONITOR VARIABLES)) \n (line (comment ;)) \n \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name KEYBD)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $C000))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name STROBE)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $C010))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name SPKR)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $C030))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name PAGE2)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $C055))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name DISSEM)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $FE5E))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name NORMAL)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $FE84))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name INVERSE)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $FE80))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name SAVEREG)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $FF4A))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name GETREG)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $FF3F))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name PRTAX)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $F941))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name DELAY)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $FCA8))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name PRSPC)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $F948))) (comment ;3 SPACES))) \n (line (comment ;PRBL2 IS PART OF PRSPC)) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name PRBL2)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $F94A))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name HOME)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $FC55))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name VTAB)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $FC22))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name CROUT)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $FD8E))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name COUT)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $FDED))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name KEYIN)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $FD0C))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name DIGOUT)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $FDE3))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name MONITOR)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $FF69))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name PRHEX)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $FDDA))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name BASIC)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $3D0))))) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (comment ; BUFFERS)) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name WBUFFD)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $3029))))) \n (line (comment ; WRITE TRANSLATE TABLE)) \n (line (comment ; POINTER IS WRTRLOC)) \n (line (comment ; SOURCE IS WRTRANS)) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name RBUFFD)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $3100))))) \n (line (comment ; READ TRANSLATE TABLE)) \n (line (comment ; POINTER IS RDTRLOC)) \n (line (comment ; SOURCE IS RDTRANS)) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name BUFF1)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $3200))))) \n (line (comment ; PRIMARY BUFFER)) \n (line (comment ; POINTER IS BUF1LOC)) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name BUFF2)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $3300))))) \n (line (comment ; SECONDARY BUFFER)) \n (line (comment ; POINTER IS BUF2LOC)) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name BUFF3)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $3400))))) \n (line (comment ; SECTORIZED BUFFER)) \n (line (comment ; POINTER IS BUF3LOC)) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name BUFF4)) (assembleropcode EQU) (argumentlist (argument (number $3500))))) \n (line (comment ; TRACK READ/WRITE BUFFER)) \n (line (comment ; POINTER IS BUF4LOC)) \n (line (comment ; RUNS FROM $3500->$5500)) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (comment ; START)) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (instruction (label (name START)) (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name HOME))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name SETUP))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name COMMNDIN))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name DRVON)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))) (comment ; Q6 OFF))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08E)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))) (comment ; Q7 OFF))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08B)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))) (comment ; DRV 2))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C089)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))) (comment ; ON))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name MARM)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name DTRK))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode ASL) (comment ;MULT *2))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name DTRK))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name MARM1)) (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (name TRK))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CPY) (argumentlist (argument (name DTRK))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name MARM3))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name MARM2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode INC) (argumentlist (argument (name TRK))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode INC) (argumentlist (argument (name TRK))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name MARM2)) (opcode DEC) (argumentlist (argument (name TRK))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name TRK))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode AND) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $03))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode ASL))) \n (line (instruction (opcode ORA) (argumentlist (argument (name SLOT))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode TAX))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C081)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $56))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name DELAY))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C080)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name MARM1))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name MARM3)) (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (name SLOT))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STY) (argumentlist (argument (name TRK))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (comment ; WRITEPROTECTED )) \n (line (instruction (label (name WRITPRO)) (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name MONITOR))))) \n (line (comment ; WRITE )) \n (line (instruction (label (name WRITE)) (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name FINDSEC))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name WRA)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name WRA))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (number $340))))) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (instruction (label (name INIT9)) (opcode SEC))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (name SLOT))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STX) (argumentlist (argument (name SLOT1))))) \n (line (comment ; CHECK FOR WRITE PROTECT)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08D)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08E)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BMI) (argumentlist (argument (name WRITPRO))))) \n (line (comment ; GET FIRST BYTE 2NDARY BUFFER)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name BUFF2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST1))))) \n (line (comment ; DO FIRST WRITE)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $FF))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08F)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode ORA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (comment ; WASTE TIME)) \n (line (instruction (opcode PHA))) \n (line (instruction (opcode PLA))) \n (line (instruction (opcode NOP))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $04))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name WR1)) (opcode PHA) (comment ;3))) \n (line (instruction (opcode PLA) (comment ;4))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name WRTIME))) (comment ;6+22))) \n (line (instruction (opcode DEY) (comment ;2))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name WR1))) (comment ;2))) \n (line (comment ; WRITE FIRST BYTES)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name DP1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name WRB1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name DP2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name WRB1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name DP3))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name WRB1))))) \n (line (comment ; WRITE 2NDAY BUFFER)) \n (line (instruction (opcode TYA))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $56))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name WR2))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name WR3)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name BUFF2)) , (argumentlist (argument (name Y)))) (comment ;5))) \n (line (instruction (label (name WR2)) (opcode EOR) (argumentlist (argument (name BUFF2) - (number 1)) , (argumentlist (argument (name Y)))) (comment ;4))) \n (line (instruction (opcode TAX) (comment ;2))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name WBUFFD)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))) (comment ;5))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (name SLOT1))) (comment ;2))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08D)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))) (comment ;5))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))) (comment ;5))) \n (line (instruction (opcode DEY) (comment ;2))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name WR3))) (comment ;2))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode NOP))) \n (line (comment ; WRITE 1ST BUFFER)) \n (line (instruction (label (name WR4)) (opcode EOR) (argumentlist (argument (name BUFF1)) , (argumentlist (argument (name Y)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode TAX))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name WBUFFD)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (name SLOT))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08D)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name BUFF1)) , (argumentlist (argument (name Y)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode INY))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name WR4))))) \n (line (comment ; CHECKSUM)) \n (line (instruction (opcode TAX))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name WBUFFD)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (name SLOT1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name WRITBT2))))) \n (line (comment ; WRITE ENDING BYTES)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name DE1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name WRB1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name DE2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name WRB1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name DE3))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name WRB1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $FF))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name WRITBT))))) \n (line (comment ; PUT IN READ MODE)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08E)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name WRITBT)) (opcode CLC))) \n (line (instruction (label (name WRB1)) (opcode NOP) (comment ;2))) \n (line (instruction (opcode NOP) (comment ;2))) \n (line (instruction (opcode NOP) (comment ;2))) \n (line (instruction (opcode NOP) (comment ;2))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08D)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))) (comment ;5))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))) (comment ;5))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name WRTIME)) (opcode PHA) (comment ;3))) \n (line (instruction (opcode PLA) (comment ;4))) \n (line (instruction (label (name WRITBT2)) (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08D)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))) (comment ;5))) \n (line (instruction (opcode ORA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))) (comment ;4))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS) (comment ;6))) \n (line (instruction (label (name FINDSEC)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (comment ; PUT IN READ MODE)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08E)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (comment ; FIND #$D5 (ADDRESS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name R1)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name R1))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name R1.1)) (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name BSTR))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode EOR) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $D5))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name R1))))) \n (line (comment ; FIND #$AA (ADDRESS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name R2)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name R2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name BSTR) + (number 1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode EOR) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $AA))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name R1))))) \n (line (comment ;FIND #$96 (ADDRESS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name R3)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name R3))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name BSTR) + (number 2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode EOR) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $96))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name R1))))) \n (line (comment ;SKIP VOLUME BYTE ONE)) \n (line (instruction (label (name R4)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name R4))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name BSTR) + (number 3))))) \n (line (comment ;SKIP VOLUME BYTE TWO)) \n (line (instruction (label (name R4.1)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name R4.1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name BSTR) + (number 4))))) \n (line (comment ;SKIP TRACK BYTE ONE)) \n (line (instruction (label (name R4.2)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name R4.2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name BSTR) + (number 5))))) \n (line (comment ;SKIP TRACK BYTE TWO)) \n (line (instruction (label (name R4.3)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name R4.3))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name BSTR) + (number 6))))) \n (line (comment ; CHECK OUT SECTOR BYTE ONE)) \n (line (instruction (label (name R8)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name R8))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (name SECB1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name R1))))) \n (line (comment ; CHECK OUT SECTOR BYTE TWO)) \n (line (instruction (label (name R8.1)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name R8.1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (name SECB2))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name BRANCH)) (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name R1))))) \n (line (comment ; SKIP CHECKSUM BYTE ONE)) \n (line (instruction (label (name R9)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name R9))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name BSTR) + (number 7))))) \n (line (comment ; SKIP CHECKSUM BYTE TWO)) \n (line (instruction (label (name R9.1)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name R9.1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name BSTR) + (number 8))))) \n (line (comment ; SKIP EPILOGUE BYTES (3))) \n (line (instruction (label (name R10)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name R10))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name BSTR) + (number 9))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name R10.1)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name R10.1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name BSTR) + (number 10))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name R10.2)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name R10.2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name BSTR) + (number 11))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name READ)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name FINDSEC))))) \n (line (comment ; LOOK FOR DATA'S #$D5)) \n (line (instruction (label (name R5)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name R5))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode EOR) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $D5))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name R5))))) \n (line (comment ; LOOK FOR DATA'S #$AA)) \n (line (instruction (label (name R6)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name R6))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode EOR) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $AA))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name BRANCH))))) \n (line (comment ; LOOK FOR DATA'S #$AD)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $56))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name R7)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name R7))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $AD))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name BRANCH))))) \n (line (comment ; LOAD SECONDARY BUFFER)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name RN1)) (opcode DEY))) \n (line (instruction (label (name RN1.2)) (opcode STY) (argumentlist (argument (name RDSC1))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name RN1.1)) (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name RN1.1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode EOR) (argumentlist (argument (name RBUFFD)) , (argumentlist (argument (name Y)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (name RDSC1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name BUFF2)) , (argumentlist (argument (name Y)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name RN1))))) \n (line (comment ; FILL PRIMARY BUFFER)) \n (line (instruction (label (name RN2)) (opcode STY) (argumentlist (argument (name RDSC1))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name RN2.1)) (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name RN2.1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode EOR) (argumentlist (argument (name RBUFFD)) , (argumentlist (argument (name Y)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (name RDSC1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name BUFF1)) , (argumentlist (argument (name Y)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode INY))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name RN2))))) \n (line (comment ;STORE VALUE OF ACC)) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name BSTR) + (number 16))))) \n (line (comment ; GET DISK CHECKSUM BYTE)) \n (line (instruction (label (name RN3)) (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name RN3))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STY) (argumentlist (argument (name BSTR) + (number 14))))) \n (line (comment ; TURN OFF DRIVE)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C088)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (comment ; GET CALCULATED CHECKSUM BYTE)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (name BSTR) + (number 14))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name RBUFFD)) , (argumentlist (argument (name Y)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name BSTR) + (number 15))))) \n (line (comment ; CHECK IF SAME)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name BSTR) + (number 16))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (name BSTR) + (number 15))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name EXITERR))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name EXITCL)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $80))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name BSTR) + (number 17))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name EXITRD))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name EXITERR)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $FF))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name BSTR) + (number 17))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name MONITOR))))) \n (line (comment ; EXIT READ)) \n (line (instruction (label (name EXITRD)) (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (name SLOT))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name POSTNIB)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name BUF3LOC))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name POSTNIB1)) (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $56))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name POSTNIB2)) (opcode DEX))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BMI) (argumentlist (argument (name POSTNIB1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name BUFF1)) , (argumentlist (argument (name Y)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LSR) (argumentlist (argument (name BUFF2)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode ROL))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LSR) (argumentlist (argument (name BUFF2)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode ROL))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument ( (argument (name ST1)) )) , (argumentlist (argument (name Y)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode INY))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CPY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name POSTNIB2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (name SLOT))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name PRENIB)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name BUF3LOC))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $02))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name PRENIB1)) (opcode DEY))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument ( (argument (name ST1)) )) , (argumentlist (argument (name Y)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LSR))) \n (line (instruction (opcode ROL) (argumentlist (argument (name BUFF2)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LSR))) \n (line (instruction (opcode ROL) (argumentlist (argument (name BUFF2)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name BUFF1)) , (argumentlist (argument (name Y)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode INX))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CPX) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $56))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BCC) (argumentlist (argument (name PRENIB1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode TYA))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name PRENIB1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $55))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name PRENIB2)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name BUFF2)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode AND) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $3F))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name BUFF2)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode DEX))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name PRENIB2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (name SLOT))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (comment ; READ A TRACK)) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (instruction (label (name RDTRK)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (comment ; SETUP)) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name TRKRW))))) \n (line (comment ; READ MODE)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08E)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (comment ; FIND SOME #$FF'S)) \n (line (comment ; SO THAT IN SYNC)) \n (line (instruction (label (name RDTRK2)) (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $05))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name RDTRK3)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name RDTRK3))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $FF))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name RDTRK2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode DEY))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name RDTRK3))))) \n (line (comment ; READ INFORMATION)) \n (line (instruction (label (name RDTRK1)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name RDTRK1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument ( (argument (name ST1)) )) , (argumentlist (argument (name Y)))))) \n (line (comment ; INC POINTERS)) \n (line (instruction (opcode INY))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name RDTRK1))))) \n (line (comment ; NEXT PAGE)) \n (line (instruction (opcode INC) (argumentlist (argument (name ST2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (name ST3))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name RDTRK1))))) \n (line (comment ; EXIT)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C088)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (comment ; INITIALIZE A TRACK)) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (comment ; WRITE PROTECTED)) \n (line (instruction (label (name INIT8)) (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name MONITOR))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name INIT1)) (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name INIT)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (comment ; DO SETUP)) \n (line (comment ; )) \n (line (comment ; VOL = 256)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $FF))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name VOL))))) \n (line (comment ; $3E = #$AA)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $AA))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (number $3E))))) \n (line (comment ; )) \n (line (comment ; PUT VOL IN ZERO PAGE)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name VOL))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST3))))) \n (line (comment ; PUT UTRK IN ZERO PAGE)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name UTRK))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST4))))) \n (line (comment ; )) \n (line (comment ; GET TRACK)) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name INFOIN2))))) \n (line (comment ; BLANK BUFF1 + BUFF2)) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name BNKBF1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name BNKBF2))))) \n (line (comment ; TURN ON DRIVE)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (name SLOT))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name DRVON))))) \n (line (comment ; GOTO TRACK)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name UTRK))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name DTRK))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name MARM))))) \n (line (comment ; START SECTOR $0F)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $10))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST2))))) \n (line (comment ; START WITH 256 SYNCS)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $FF))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name INIT5)) (opcode DEC) (argumentlist (argument (name ST2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name INITER))))) \n (line (comment ; WRITE DATA)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (name SLOT))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STX) (argumentlist (argument (name SLOT1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name INIT9))))) \n (line (comment ; DO 16 SYNCS NEXT TRACKS)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $0F))))) \n (line (comment ; CONTINUE TRACK LOOP)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name INIT5))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name INIT6))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name INITER)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (comment ; CHECK FOR WRITE PROTECT)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08D)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08E)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BMI) (argumentlist (argument (name INIT8))))) \n (line (comment ; DO FIRST WRITE)) \n (line (comment ; THIS PUTS IN WRITE MODE)) \n (line (instruction (opcode SEC))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $FF))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (name SLOT))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08F)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (comment ; WASTE TIME)) \n (line (instruction (opcode PHA))) \n (line (instruction (opcode PLA))) \n (line (comment ; WRITE AUTOSYNCS)) \n (line (instruction (label (name INIT2)) (opcode PHA) (comment ;3))) \n (line (instruction (opcode PLA) (comment ;4))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name INIT10))) (comment ;6+22))) \n (line (instruction (opcode DEY) (comment ;2))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name INIT2))) (comment ;2))) \n (line (comment ; WRITE SECTOR HEADER)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name AP1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name INIT11))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name AP2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name INIT11))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name AP3))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name INIT11))))) \n (line (comment ; DISK VOL 256)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST3))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name INIT4))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST4))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name INIT4))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name INIT4))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST3))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode EOR) (argumentlist (argument (name ST4))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode EOR) (argumentlist (argument (name ST1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode PHA))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LSR))) \n (line (instruction (opcode ORA) (argumentlist (argument (number $3E))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08D)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode PLA))) \n (line (instruction (opcode ORA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $AA))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name INIT7))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name AE1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name INIT11))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name AE2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name INIT11))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name AE3))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name INIT11))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (comment ; EXIT)) \n (line (instruction (label (name INIT6)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (comment ; PUT IN READ MODE)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08E)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (comment ; TURN OFF DRIVE)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C088)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name INIT4)) (opcode PHA))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LSR))) \n (line (instruction (opcode ORA) (argumentlist (argument (number $3E))) (comment ;ORA #$AA))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08D)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode PLA))) \n (line (instruction (opcode NOP))) \n (line (instruction (opcode NOP))) \n (line (instruction (opcode NOP))) \n (line (instruction (opcode ORA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $AA))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name INIT7)) (opcode NOP) (comment ;2))) \n (line (instruction (label (name INIT3)) (opcode NOP) (comment ;2))) \n (line (instruction (label (name INIT10)) (opcode PHA) (comment ;3))) \n (line (instruction (opcode PLA) (comment ;4))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08D)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))) (comment ;5))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))) (comment ;4))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS) (comment ;6))) \n (line (instruction (label (name INIT11)) (opcode NOP) (comment ;2))) \n (line (instruction (opcode NOP) (comment ;2))) \n (line (instruction (opcode NOP) (comment ;2))) \n (line (instruction (opcode NOP) (comment ;2))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08D)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))) (comment ;5))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C08C)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))) (comment ;5))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (comment ; BLANK BUFF1)) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (instruction (label (name BNKBF1)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name BUF1LOC))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name BNKBF1.2)) (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument ( (argument (name ST1)) )) , (argumentlist (argument (name Y)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode INY))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name BNKBF1.2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (comment ; BLANK BUFF2)) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (instruction (label (name BNKBF2)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name BUF2LOC))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name BNKBF2.2)) (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument ( (argument (name ST1)) )) , (argumentlist (argument (name Y)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode INY))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name BNKBF2.2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (comment ; CODE COMMON TO TRACK READ)) \n (line (comment ; AND TRACK WRITE)) \n (line (instruction (label (name TRKRW)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (comment ; GET TRACK)) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name INFOIN2))))) \n (line (comment ; TURN ON DRIVE)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (name SLOT))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name DRVON))))) \n (line (comment ; GOTO TRACK)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name UTRK))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name DTRK))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name MARM))))) \n (line (comment ; CALC ENDING PAGE)) \n (line (comment ; NOBYTS = PAGES NEEDED)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name BUF4LOC))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CLC))) \n (line (instruction (opcode ADC) (argumentlist (argument (name NOBYTS))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST3))))) \n (line (comment ; SETUP POINTERS)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name BUF4LOC))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name SETUP)) (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $60))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STX) (argumentlist (argument (name SLOT))))) \n (line (comment ; SETUP SECTOR BYTES)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $D5))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name AP1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $AA))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name AP2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $96))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name AP3))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $DE))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name AE1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $AA))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name AE2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $EB))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name AE3))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $D5))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name DP1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $AA))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name DP2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $AD))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name DP3))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $DE))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name DE1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $AA))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name DE2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $EB))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name DE3))))) \n (line (comment ; SETUP NUMBER OF PAGES)) \n (line (comment ; FOR TRACK READ/WRITE)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $20))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name NOBYTS))))) \n (line (comment ; SET BUFFER LOCATIONS)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $30))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name WRTRLOC))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $31))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name RDTRLOC))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $32))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name BUF1LOC))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $33))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name BUF2LOC))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $34))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name BUF3LOC))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $35))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name BUF4LOC))))) \n (line (comment ; SET RESET VECTOR TO START)) \n (line (comment ;LDA #START)) \n (line (comment ;STA $3F2)) \n (line (comment ;LDA #START/)) \n (line (comment ;STA $3F3)) \n (line (comment ;JSR $FB6F)) \n (line (comment ; SETUP READ TRANSLATE TABLE)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name RDTRLOC))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $96))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name SET1)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name RDTRANS)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument ( (argument (name ST1)) )) , (argumentlist (argument (name Y)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode INX))) \n (line (instruction (opcode INY))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name SET1))))) \n (line (comment ; SETUP WRITE TRANSLATE TABLE)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name WRTRLOC))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $29))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name SET2)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name WRTRANS)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument ( (argument (name ST1)) )) , (argumentlist (argument (name Y)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode INX))) \n (line (instruction (opcode INY))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CPY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $69))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name SET2))))) \n (line (comment ; RECALIBRATE THE DRIVE)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (name SLOT))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name DTRK))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $50))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name TRK))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name DRVON))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name MARM1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C088)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name GTSECN)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name DSEC))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode ASL) (comment ;MULT *2))) \n (line (instruction (opcode TAY))) \n (line (instruction (opcode INY))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name SECDAT)) , (argumentlist (argument (name Y)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name SECB1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode INY))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name SECDAT)) , (argumentlist (argument (name Y)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name SECB2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (comment ;CTPHY TURNS THE LOGICAL SECTOR)) \n (line (comment ;NUMBER IN DSEC TO PHYSICAL)) \n (line (instruction (label (name CTPHY)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (name USEC))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode INY))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name SECEQU)) , (argumentlist (argument (name Y)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name DSEC))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (comment ;READ TRANSLATE TABLE)) \n (line (comment ;FOUND AT $BA96-> $BAFF IN DOS 3.3)) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name RDTRANS)) (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $00)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $01)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $98))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $99)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $02)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $03)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $9C)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $04)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $05)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $06))))))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $A0)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $A1)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $A2)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $A3)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $A4)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $A5)))))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $07)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $08)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $A8))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $A9)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $AA)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $09)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $0A)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $0B)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $0C)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $0D))))))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $B0)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $B1)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $0E)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $0F)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $10)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $11)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $12))))))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $13)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $B8)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $14)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $15)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $16)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $17)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $18))))))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $19)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $1A)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $C0)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $C1)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $C2)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $C3)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $C4))))))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $C5)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $C6)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $C7)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $C8)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $C9)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $CA)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $1B))))))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $CC)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $1C)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $1D)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $1E)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $D0)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $D1)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $D2))))))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $1F)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $D4)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $D5)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $20)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $21)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $D8)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $22))))))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $23)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $24)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $25)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $26)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $27)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $28)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $E0))))))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $E1)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $E2)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $E3)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $E4)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $29)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $2A)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $2B))))))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $E8)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $2C)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $2D)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $2E)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $2F)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $30)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $31))))))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $32)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $F0)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $F1)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $33)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $34)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $35)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $36))))))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $37)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $38)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $F8)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $39)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $3A)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $3B)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $3C))))))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $3D)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $3E)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $3F))))))) \n (line (comment ; WRITE TRANSLATE TABLE)) \n (line (comment ; FOUND AT $BA29 -> $BA68 IN DOS)) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name WRTRANS)) (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $96)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $97)))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $9A)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $9B)))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $9D)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $9E)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $9F))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $A6)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $A7)))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $AB)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $AC)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $AD)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $AE)))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $AF)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $B2)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $B3))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $B4)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $B5)))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $B6)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $B7)))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $B9)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $BA)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $BB))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $BC)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $BD)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $BE))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $BF)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $CB)))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $CD)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $CE)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $CF))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $D3)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $D6)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $D7))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $D9)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $DA)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $DB))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $DC)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $DD)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $DE)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $DF)))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $E5)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $E6)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $E7))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $E9)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $EA)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $EB)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $EC)))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $ED)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $EE)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $EF))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $F2)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $F3)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $F4)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $F5)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $F6)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $F7)))))))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $F9)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $FA)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $FB)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $FC)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $FD)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $FE)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $FF))))))))))) \n (line (comment ;DATA TABLE OF LOGICAL SECTOR #'S)) \n (line (instruction (label (name SECEQU)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $00)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $0D)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $0B)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $09)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $07)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $05)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $03)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $01)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $0E)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $0C)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $0A)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $08)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $06)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $04)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $02)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $0F)))))))))))))))))))) \n (line (comment ;DATA TABLE OF SECTOR NUMBER BYTES)) \n (line (instruction (label (name SECDAT)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name D0)) (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $AA)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $AA)))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name D1)) (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $AA)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $AB)))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name D2)) (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $AB)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $AA)))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name D3)) (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $AB)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $AB)))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name D4)) (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $AA)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $AE)))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name D5)) (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $AA)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $AF)))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name D6)) (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $AB)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $AE)))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name D7)) (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $AB)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $AF)))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name D8)) (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $AE)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $AA)))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name D9)) (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $AE)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $AB)))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name DA)) (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $AF)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $AA)))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name DB)) (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $AF)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $AB)))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name DC)) (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $AE)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $AE)))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name DD)) (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $AE)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $AF)))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name DE)) (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $AF)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $AE)))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name DF)) (assembleropcode DFC) (argumentlist (argument (number $AF)) , (argumentlist (argument (number $AF)))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name WORDS1)) (assembleropcode ASC) (argumentlist (argument (string "TRACK "))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name WORDS2)) (assembleropcode ASC) (argumentlist (argument (string "SECTOR "))))) \n (line (assemblerinstruction (argument (name WORDS3)) (assembleropcode ASC) (argumentlist (argument (string "COMMAND "))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name HEXIN)) (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name KEYIN))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $9B))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name EXIT))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $88))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name HEXIN))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name CONV))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name DIGOUT))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode ASL))) \n (line (instruction (opcode ASL))) \n (line (instruction (opcode ASL))) \n (line (instruction (opcode ASL))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST1))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name HEXIN1)) (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name KEYIN))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $9B))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name EXIT))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $88))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name HEXIN1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name CONV))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name DIGOUT))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode ORA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name CONV)) (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $C0))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name C1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode SBC) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $AF))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name C2))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name C1)) (opcode SBC) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $B7))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name C2)) (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name EXIT)) (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (number $3D0))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name INFOIN2)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $15))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name TAB))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name PR3))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name INFOIN)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $14))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name TAB))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name PR2)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name WORDS2)) , (argumentlist (argument (name Y)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name COUT))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode INY))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CPY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $07))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name PR2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name HEXIN))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name USEC))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name CROUT))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name PR3)) (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name PR1)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name WORDS1)) , (argumentlist (argument (name Y)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name COUT))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode INY))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CPY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $06))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name PR1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name HEXIN))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name UTRK))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (comment ; SCREEN EDITOR FOR DISK PROGRAM)) \n (line (comment ; STARTED FEB 20, 1989)) \n (line (comment ; BY THOMAS EVERETT)) \n (line (comment ;PT1 POINTS TO POSITION IN BUFFER)) \n (line (comment ;TOPBUF AND BOTBUF POINT TO)) \n (line (comment ;START AND END OF BUFFER)) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (comment ; START)) \n (line (comment ;)) \n (line (instruction (label (name COMMNDIN)) (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name SHOW256))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name COMMND)) (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name SHOWPOS))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (name CX))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (name CY))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name TAB))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name KEYIN))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name BEEP))))) \n (line (comment ; INTERPERT INPUT)) \n (line (instruction (label (name COMMND1)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $C9))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name CUPJ))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $8B))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name CUPJ))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $CD))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name CDOWNJ))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $8A))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name CDOWNJ))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $88))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name CLEFJ))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $95))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name CRJ))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $8D))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name RETJ))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $9B))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name ESCJ))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $D2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name READCOMJ))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $D7))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name WRITCOMJ))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $B1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name SHOW256J))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $B2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name SHOWPRMJ))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $B3))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name SHOW2NDJ))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $B4))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name SHOW4J))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $CE))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name PRENJ))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $C4))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name POSTNJ))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $DA))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name RDTRKJ))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $D8))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name INITJ))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $AC))) (comment ;,))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name CONSTDNJ))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $AE))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name CONSTUPJ))) (comment ;.))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $CC))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name LISTJ))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name COMMND))))) \n (line (comment ;JUMP TABLE)) \n (line (instruction (label (name CUPJ)) (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name CUP))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name COMMND))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name CDOWNJ)) (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name CDOWN))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name COMMND))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name CLEFJ)) (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name CLEF))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name CRJ)) (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name CR))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name RETJ)) (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name RET))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name ESCJ)) (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name ESC))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name READCOMJ)) (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name READCOM))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name WRITCOMJ)) (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name WRITCOM))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name SHOW256J)) (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name SHOW256))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name COMMND))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name SHOWPRMJ)) (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name SHOWPRM))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name COMMND))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name SHOW2NDJ)) (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name SHOW2ND))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name COMMND))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name SHOW4J)) (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name SHOW4))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name COMMND))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name PRENJ)) (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name PRENIB))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name COMMND))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name POSTNJ)) (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name POSTNIB))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name COMMND))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name RDTRKJ)) (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name RDTRK))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name COMMND))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name INITJ)) (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name INIT))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name COMMND))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name CONSTDNJ)) (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name CONSTDN))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name COMMND))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name CONSTUPJ)) (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name CONSTUP))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name COMMND))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name LISTJ)) (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name LIST))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name COMMND))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name CUP)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (comment ; AT TOP OF BUFFER?)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name PT1H))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (name TOPBUFH))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name CUP1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name PT1L))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (name TOPBUFL))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name CUP1))))) \n (line (comment ; YES)) \n (line (comment ; CURSOR AT TOP OF SCREEN?)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (name CY))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CPY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $02))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name CUP2))))) \n (line (comment ; YES)) \n (line (comment ; DO NOTHING)) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (comment ; MOVE UP CURSR)) \n (line (instruction (label (name CUP2)) (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (name CY))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode DEY))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STY) (argumentlist (argument (name CY))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name POS))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode SEC))) \n (line (instruction (opcode SBC) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $08))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name POS))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name CUP1)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (comment ; CURSOR AT BOTTOM OF BUFFER?)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $05))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CPY) (argumentlist (argument (name CY))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BCC) (argumentlist (argument (name CUP2))))) \n (line (comment ; MOVE UP PAGE)) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name UP))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name CDOWN)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (comment ; AT BOTTOM OF BUFFER?)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name PT1H))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (name BOTBUFH))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name CDOWN1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name PT1L))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (name BOTBUFL))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name CDOWN1))))) \n (line (comment ; YES)) \n (line (comment ; CURSOR AT BOTTOM OF SCREEN?)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (name CY))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CPY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $08))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name CDOWN2))))) \n (line (comment ; YES)) \n (line (comment ; DO NOTHING)) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (comment ; MOVE DOWN CURSOR)) \n (line (instruction (label (name CDOWN2)) (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (name CY))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode INY))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STY) (argumentlist (argument (name CY))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name POS))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CLC))) \n (line (instruction (opcode ADC) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $08))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name POS))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name CDOWN1)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (comment ; AT TOP OF SCREEN)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (name CY))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CPY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $05))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BCC) (argumentlist (argument (name CDOWN2))))) \n (line (comment ; NO)) \n (line (comment ; MOVE PAGE DOWN)) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name DOWN))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name CLEF)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (comment ; GET X POSITION)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name CX))))) \n (line (comment ; AT LEFT EGDE?)) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name CLEF1))))) \n (line (comment ; NO SUBTRACT #$04 FROM X)) \n (line (instruction (opcode SEC))) \n (line (instruction (opcode SBC) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $03))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name CX))))) \n (line (comment ; DEC POS)) \n (line (instruction (opcode DEC) (argumentlist (argument (name POS))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name CLEF1)) (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name COMMND))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name CR)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (comment ; GET X POSITION)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name CX))))) \n (line (comment ; AT RIGHT EDGE?)) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $15))))) \n (line (comment ; YES, EXIT)) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name CR1))))) \n (line (comment ; NO ADD #$04 TO X)) \n (line (instruction (opcode CLC))) \n (line (instruction (opcode ADC) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $03))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name CX))))) \n (line (comment ; INC POS)) \n (line (instruction (opcode INC) (argumentlist (argument (name POS))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name CR1)) (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name COMMND))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name RET)) (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $0D))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $14))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name TAB))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name HEXIN))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (name POS))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument ( (argument (name PT1L)) )) , (argumentlist (argument (name Y)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name PRNT))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name COMMND))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name ESC)) (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name MONITOR))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name READCOM)) (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name INFOIN))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (name SLOT))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name DRVON))) (comment ;DRV ON))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name UTRK))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name DTRK))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name MARM))) (comment ;DO ARM))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name CTPHY))) (comment ;L TO P))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name GTSECN))) (comment ; BYTES))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name READ))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name POSTNIB))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (name SLOT))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C088)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name SHOW256))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name COMMND))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name WRITCOM)) (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name INFOIN))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (name SLOT))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name DRVON))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name UTRK))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name DTRK))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name MARM))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name CTPHY))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name GTSECN))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name PRENIB))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name WRITE))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $C088)) , (argumentlist (argument (name X)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name COMMND))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name CONSTDN)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (instruction (label (name CONST1)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name KEYBD))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name CONST2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BIT) (argumentlist (argument (name STROBE))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name CONST2)) (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name CDOWN))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name SHOWPOS))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name CONST1))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name CONSTUP)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (instruction (label (name CONST3)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name KEYBD))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BPL) (argumentlist (argument (name CONST4))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BIT) (argumentlist (argument (name STROBE))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name CONST4)) (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name CUP))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name SHOWPOS))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name CONST3))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name LIST)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $3B))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (number $3A))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST1))))) \n (line (comment ; POSITION ON SCREEN)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $09))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name TAB))))) \n (line (comment ; CALCULATE PRESENT POSITION)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name PT1L))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CLC))) \n (line (instruction (opcode ADC) (argumentlist (argument (name POS))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BCS) (argumentlist (argument (name LIST2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode TAX))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name PT1H))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name LIST3)) (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (number $3B))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STX) (argumentlist (argument (number $3A))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name LISTER))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (number $3B))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (number $3A))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name LIST2)) (opcode TAX))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (name PT1H))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode INY))) \n (line (instruction (opcode TYA))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name LIST3))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name LISTER)) (opcode TSX))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STX) (argumentlist (argument (name ST1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (number $FE75))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $05))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name LISTER2)) (opcode PHA))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (number $F8D0))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (number $F953))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (number $3A))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STY) (argumentlist (argument (number $3B))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode PLA))) \n (line (instruction (opcode SEC))) \n (line (instruction (opcode SBC) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $01))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name LISTER2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (name ST1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode TXS))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name SHOW256)) (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (name BUF3LOC))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name SETPNTS))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name SHOWPRM)) (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (name BUF1LOC))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name SETPNTS))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name SHOW2ND)) (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (name BUF2LOC))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name SETPNTS))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name SHOW4)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name BUF4LOC))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name PT1H))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name TOPBUFH))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CLC))) \n (line (instruction (opcode ADC) (argumentlist (argument (name NOBYTS))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name BOTBUFH))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name BOTBUFL))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name TOPBUFL))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name SETPNTS1))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name SETPNTS)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (comment ; SET POINTER HIGH)) \n (line (instruction (opcode STX) (argumentlist (argument (name PT1H))))) \n (line (comment ; SET BUFFER BOUNDRIES)) \n (line (instruction (opcode STX) (argumentlist (argument (name TOPBUFH))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode INX))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STX) (argumentlist (argument (name BOTBUFH))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STX) (argumentlist (argument (name TOPBUFL))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STX) (argumentlist (argument (name BOTBUFL))))) \n (line (comment ; CURSOR POSITON)) \n (line (instruction (label (name SETPNTS1)) (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $18))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STX) (argumentlist (argument (name POS))))) \n (line (comment ; CURSOR X POSITION)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name CX))))) \n (line (comment ; CURSOR Y POSITION)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $05))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name CY))))) \n (line (comment ; POINTER LOW)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name PT1L))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (comment ; MOVE PAGE UP)) \n (line (instruction (label (name UP)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name PT1L))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name UP1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode SEC))) \n (line (instruction (opcode SBC) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $08))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name PT1L))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name UP1)) (opcode SEC))) \n (line (instruction (opcode SBC) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $08))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name PT1L))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode DEC) (argumentlist (argument (name PT1H))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (comment ; MOVE PAGE DOWN)) \n (line (instruction (label (name DOWN)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name PT1L))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $F8))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name DOWN1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CLC))) \n (line (instruction (opcode ADC) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $08))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name PT1L))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name DOWN1)) (opcode CLC))) \n (line (instruction (opcode ADC) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $08))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name PT1L))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode INC) (argumentlist (argument (name PT1H))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name SETINV)) (opcode PHA))) \n (line (instruction (opcode TYA))) \n (line (instruction (opcode PHA))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name INVERSE))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode PLA))) \n (line (instruction (opcode TAY))) \n (line (instruction (opcode PLA))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name SETNORM)) (opcode PHA))) \n (line (instruction (opcode TYA))) \n (line (instruction (opcode PHA))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name NORMAL))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode PLA))) \n (line (instruction (opcode TAY))) \n (line (instruction (opcode PLA))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name TAB)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STX) (argumentlist (argument (number $24))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STY) (argumentlist (argument (number $25))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name VTAB))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name BEEP)) (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $50))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name BEEP2)) (opcode BIT) (argumentlist (argument (name SPKR))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode DEY))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name BEEP2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name SHOWPOS)) (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $13))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name TAB))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name PT1H))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (name PT1L))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name PRTAX))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $01))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name PRBL2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name POS))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name PRHEX))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $01))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name PRBL2))))) \n (line (comment ; DISPLAY ACTUAL POSITION IN BUFF)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name PT1L))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CLC))) \n (line (instruction (opcode ADC) (argumentlist (argument (name POS))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BCS) (argumentlist (argument (name SHOWPOS2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode TAX))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name PT1H))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name SHOWPOS3)) (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name PRTAX))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name PRNT))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name SHOWPOS2)) (opcode TAX))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (name PT1H))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode INY))) \n (line (instruction (opcode TYA))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name SHOWPOS3))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name PRNT)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $01))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name PRNT4))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name PRNT1)) (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $08))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name PRNT2)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument ( (argument (name PT1L)) )) , (argumentlist (argument (name Y)))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST4))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name SAVEREG))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name PRNUM))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name PRCHR))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name GETREG))))) \n (line (comment ; DONE #$38 CHARS?)) \n (line (instruction (opcode INY))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CPY) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $38))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BEQ) (argumentlist (argument (name PRNT3))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode DEX))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name PRNT2))))) \n (line (comment ; DONE #$08 ACROSS, RESET REGS)) \n (line (instruction (label (name PRNT4)) (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $00))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $19))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode STA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST3))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode INC) (argumentlist (argument (name ST2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JMP) (argumentlist (argument (name PRNT1))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name PRNT3)) (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name PRNUM)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (comment ; POSITION ON SCREEN)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (name ST1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (name ST2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name TAB))))) \n (line (comment ; HIGHLIGHT #$FF)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST4))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode CMP) (argumentlist (argument (prefix #) (number $FF))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode BNE) (argumentlist (argument (name PRNUM1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name SETINV))))) \n (line (instruction (label (name PRNUM1)) (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name PRHEX))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name SETNORM))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode INC) (argumentlist (argument (name ST1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode INC) (argumentlist (argument (name ST1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode INC) (argumentlist (argument (name ST1))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n (line (instruction (label (name PRCHR)) (opcode NOP))) \n (line (comment ; POSITION ON SCREEN)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDX) (argumentlist (argument (name ST3))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDY) (argumentlist (argument (name ST2))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name TAB))))) \n (line (comment ; GET CHAR)) \n (line (instruction (opcode LDA) (argumentlist (argument (name ST4))))) \n (line (comment ; PRINT)) \n (line (instruction (opcode JSR) (argumentlist (argument (name COUT))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode INC) (argumentlist (argument (name ST3))))) \n (line (instruction (opcode RTS))) \n)